The difference between Exercise Physiology and Physiotherapy

Exercise Physiologists specialise in using exercise and movement as an intervention for people with a broad range of health issues or sporting goals. Which discipline is best for you? Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists are both university qualified allied health professionals. Accredited Exercise Physiologists (commonly known as AEP’s) use evidence-based exercise intervention for prevention and management […]

5 Reasons Why Group Exercise Classes Are For You

Group Exercise Classes are run within our Exercise Physiology service as a social, cost effective way to move towards your health and fitness goals. Here are 5 reasons why Group Exercise Classes will be a great for you.   You’re looking for structured exercise program A program designed by an Exercise Physiologist is clinically proven and driven […]

The top 3 forms of exercise you can do to manage cholesterol, diabetes, or blood pressure

Everyone seems to know they should exercise, but it is important to understand the “why” behind exercise and how it helps specific health concerns. Here is some information on how exercise can help 3 of the most common health concerns.   Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)  Blood pressure is the internal pressure within the arteries when the […]

Exercise Outcomes: 4-ways you know you’re improving your health 

Sometimes measuring your health improvements from exercise can be hard to spot. The team at Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine have listed 4 indicators that you can observe to see if your health is improving. 1. You feel stronger, more energetic and focused in daily life   Exercise can help us improve our day to […]

Muscle Soreness vs Injury: What is DOMS? 

If you’ve ever felt sore muscles after trying a new sport, returned to activity after a long absence or advanced your physio exercises (way to go by the way!), it is very likely that you have experienced some level of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. We often refer to this as DOMS. It is common for […]

Ready to ski? Stay injury-free with these exercises  

Finally, the ski season is upon us and we can dust off the skis, boots, and bindings and prepare for a powder-driven season! However, skiing and snowboarding are high-impact sports that send your body careening down a mountain at high speeds, so it’s important to take measures to reduce your risk of injury. Luckily, there […]

PFJ vs PT blog post series

So, you think you have patellofemoral joint pain? Following on from our first blog post in this series (link here),
patellofemoral joint pain is one of the most common causes of pain at the front of the knee, but it’s not the only potential culprit. The diamond taping technique (pictured below) is commonly used to help alleviate patellofemoral joint pain but can also be used to help distinguish between different causes of pain at the front of the knee. Give this taping technique a try and see if it changes your pain!