If you are an injured athlete it is important to undergo return to sports (RTS) testing before returning to your sport. This type of testing can help you determine if you are ready for the demands of sport, and can also help your physiotherapist create a rehabilitation plan tailored specifically for you if specific deficiencies are identified.
In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of tests that we have developed at Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicinetherapy and Sports Medicine using our state-of-the-art equipment that can be used as part of a RTS decision making, as well as how these tests can help improve your performance and mitigate risk of reinjury.
There are typically three key tests that influence RTS outcomes and optimise tissue health following orthopaedic surgery such as ACL reconstruction: psychological readiness, strength assessment and sports specific biomechanics testing. Strength testing is important because it can help determine if an athlete has the necessary muscle strength and power to safely return to their sport. At Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicinetherapy and Sports Medicine, using VALD performance Forcedecks, Forceframe, Dynamo and Nordboard we can effectively measure lower limb muscle strength through a series of maximal tests, and compare these against expected normative data. Furthermore, in combination with our Keiser pneumatic machines that measure muscle power, this provides a well rounded assessment of an athletes muscle capacity providing detail on performance levels that can reduce injury risk.
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