To all our patients,
At the start of the pandemic we wrote to you to ensure you’re doing ok, as we were all heading into uncharted waters. At Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicinetherapy and Sports Medicine, we have worked hard to keep our doors open to maintain your care and of course operate in a COVID safe environment. However, we also want to thank you too for trusting us with your care throughout this difficult time.
If we have not seen you during this time but your partner, friend or family member has been in to see us, I am sure you have been asked after. This is because as a team we care for each other and most importantly, you. We hope you were able to stay safe and adapt to the forever changing environment, without too much interruption to your personal lives on so many fronts.
After announcements yesterday we need to work even harder as a community to bring a spiralling situation back under control. This is not going to be an easy 6-weeks, far from it, and we are sure we don’t have to highlight the reasons why.
For the next 6 weeks Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine will remain open, with the practice continuing COVID safe practices as per DHHS guidelines. The guidelines have slightly changed so please refer to the following points:
1. Patients visiting a medical or health clinic can travel outside the 5km jurisdiction for appointment purposes
2. All patients attending Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicinetherapy and Sports Medicine for a scheduled appointment will NOT require a referral from a medical practitioner such as GP, Sports Doctor etc as previously stated by the DHHS. Updated position statement for peace of mind can be found by clicking this link
3. Our team will also write additional supporting letters of your appointment. These will be sent via email to the address we have on file.
4. All physiotherapists continue to wear face masks, and now wear eye protection as well
5. All patients and physiotherapists MUST have their temperature checked on arrival, wear a mask throughout their consultation and adhere to social distancing rules and regulations where possible
6. If you are not comfortable with travelling for your physiotherapy appointment and are currently seeing one our practitioners, we do offer Telehealth. This may be an option to ensure continuity of your care. Again, please contact the clinic or your physiotherapist for further details.
We know the recovery from this 6-week lock down will take time, but if it has highlighted one thing, it is how much we like seeing people “get better” and we hope we can be of assistance during this time.
On behalf of our team please continue to take care, look out for one another, and know we look forward to seeing you in the next 6-weeks, be it face-to-face, virtually, or in the future when the dust has settled.
Yours sincerely,
The Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine Team