Melbourne CBD Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Adrianna Cann is appointed head Sports Physiotherapist for the Collingwood Football Club AFLw.


The sports medicine and sports physiotherapy profession is wonderful, especially if you like the high pressure, performance driven, cut throat environment. For some it can be a bit much, for others they thrive. For clubs and organisations they are always on the hunt for special talent both on and off the field, especially in their sports medicine department. After all, sports medicine is responsible to ensure all players are primed for selection and ready to perform their job. Therefore clubs seek the smarts, but just as importantly clubs also seek an infectious personality that brings out the best in people. When Adrianna successfully joined Collingwood FC we were really excited for Adrianna. For those who know Adrianna and knew she had applied, her original appointment probably came as no surprise. After all, we all knew she perfectly fitted the bill.

For the past two years Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicinetherapist Adrianna Cann has been a Sports and Exercise physiotherapist for Collingwood FC.

Adrianna is spot on with her diagnostics especially when it comes to the shoulder and knee. Her ability to manage acute pain and injury management are amongst the best. Amongst a team of highly credentialed physiotherapists at Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine, Adrianna collaborates with other staff to solve complex and difficult cases. For those who have been fortunate enough to have met or be treated by Adrianna, you will know she has a wonderful and infectious personality that everyone enjoys to be around. People like Adrianna don’t come around often, so when big organisations like Collingwood FC get to experience this type of excellence they don’t let them go!

Therefore it is no surprise that our Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist Adrianna Cann remains at Collingwood FC in the AFLw for the 2020/21 season, but now as the newly appointed head physiotherapist of the women’s league.

Known to us as “AC”, we want to celebrate and share her success. As a team we are privileged to have you with us at Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicinetherapy and Sports Medicine. Speaking on behalf of your patients and the group, thank you for the continued laughs as well as your clinical input. I can be incredibly confident in saying our team and those who seek your expertise truly appreciate all that you do. Wishing you and the Pies all the best for the upcoming season!

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