We’re thrilled to have Rochelle Kennedy joining our team on Thursday 1st July. Rochelle is now taking bookings for Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Rochelle joins us with a jam-packed resume. One of the biggest highlights has been helping to establish international tendon diagnosis and rehabilitation protocols for the iconic FC Barcelona and The Barca Innovation Hub
Rochelle is passionate about exercise based rehabilitation, and is currently completing a Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning. She enjoys designing, tailoring and tracking gym, rehab and conditioning programs that directly address her patients’ goals.

In 2020, Rochelle commenced working with the world renowned LaTrobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre, helping to create a tendon rehabilitation guide for sports medicine professionals.
Having run for Australia in the 800m, you’ll catch Rochelle outside the clinic still training at an elite level 6 days a week. It’s celebrating the little wins that gets her through training – and she loves helping her patients recognise their own little wins, no matter what level they’re at. Her involvement in sport led to a number of first hand experiences of injury, and this has fuelled a strong passion for helping people not only get back to participating in their chosen sport, but also performing to the best of their ability.
We know our network of weekend warriors, athletes, runners and football players are going to soak up what Rochelle is bringing to the team. With all that said, Rochelle’s true talent is in podcast and Melbourne cafe recommendations.
Rochelle consults on all musculoskeletal injuries, with a special interest in:
Gym, strength, rehabilitation programs
Hip, groin and pelvis conditions
Lower limb tendon pain and rehabilitation
Footballers, runners and women’s health issues
Give Rochelle a huge welcome! Book with Rochelle now.