Group Exercise Physiology Classes in Melbourne

Melbourne CBD Physio offers convenient class times before work, during lunch hours and evenings.

Group Exercise Physiology Classes

Group Exercise Classes are run by our Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Steph Tucker where groups of four work within their own individual programs and goals in a supportive and motivated environment. Classes are capped at four participants to ensure a fun, social and entirely supervised class time within our premium performance and rehabilitation gym. 

Melbourne CBD Physio offers convenient class times before work, during lunch hours and evenings. You can choose to pay casually, or opt for 5 or 10-pack visit passes to make multiple visits more cost effective. All classes can be claimed through private health insurance if you have the appropriate cover for Exercise Physiology. Exercise Physiology is also a great option for those referred by their GP or via WorkSafe, TAC, Medicare or NDIS.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect with Group Exercise Classes

In our Group Exercise Classes at Melbourne CBD Physio, everyone works on their own individual exercise program, so the classes are always safe, effective and evidence based. This makes Group Exercise Classes a fantastic way to work towards your health goals in a social environment.

Benefits of Group Exercise Classes with Melbourne CBD Physio

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens before you join?

Before joining a class, you will first have a private consultation with our Exercise Physiologist (sometimes called an ‘EP’), Steph Tucker to plan an evidence based exercise program for you.

Your program takes into account your current health and fitness levels, your goals for Exercise Physiology, the challenges you’re working with, your lifestyle and the type of movement you find most enjoyable.

Your EP uses their clinical knowledge of acute, sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries, disabilities and general health to plan your program tailored to you.

Book a class today

class schedule

Monday Thursday Friday
1:200 - 2:00pm 1:00 - 2:00pm 7:00 - 8:00am
5:00 - 6:00pm 5:00 - 6:00pm 12:00 - 1:00pm

Frequently asked questions

You can absolutely still participate in our Group Exercise Classes. This is why we recommend a private 1:1 consultation with your Exercise Physiologist to ensure that the program you are completing in the class is appropriate for your current level of strength and fitness.

If you sustain a new injury, your EP is highly qualified in modifying and adjusting your program to accommodate for this. If your EP thinks that you would benefit from more personal attention, they may recommend you have individual Follow Up sessions with them before doing the Group Classes. They may also recommend a visit to a physiotherapist for the diagnosis of the injury.

Wear clothes and shoes that you feel comfortable exercising in. Be sure to bring a water bottle with you which you can fill up at our refill station. We also recommend that you bring a mask with you to wear before and after your class. All equipment to complete your program is provided.

You can absolutely still participate in our Group Exercise Classes. This is why we recommend a private 1:1 consultation with your Exercise Physiologist to ensure that the program you are completing in the class is appropriate for your current level of strength and fitness.

If you sustain a new injury, your EP is highly qualified in modifying and adjusting your program to accommodate for this. If your EP thinks that you would benefit from more personal attention, they may recommend you have individual Follow Up sessions with them before doing the Group Classes. They may also recommend a visit to a physiotherapist for the diagnosis of the injury.

How long is a piece of string?! Everyone is individual in their needs and goals of exercise. Some people may want to complete Exercise Physiology in order to rehabilitate an injury to a certain point, while others really enjoy the social aspects of attending a weekly class with their mates.

Your EP can certainly give you a recommendation on how many sessions they expect you’ll need to achieve your goals, but this timeline can often change depending on a number of factors.

Who Group Exercise Classes Are For?