5 lessons we learned about Telehealth
As Victoria has finished a third lockdown period, we’ve reflected on what we’ve learned in developing our Telehealth services to continue delivering optimal patient outcomes.
Game Set Match: Are you being grand slammed with injuries?
With a spike in general tennis participation, this often comes with a spike in common tennis injuries. Physiotherapy can help you unlock your sudden, recurring or ongoing injuries to get back into the match.
Is physiotherapy covered by Medicare?

It is an easy process to claim Medicare rebates at Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine. Here are the steps you can take to receive subsidised physiotherapy care.
Soreness vs Pain: What’s the difference?
What your pain is trying to tell you isn’t always clear cut. How can you tell the difference between post-session soreness and suspecting an injury? At what point do you consider a visit to the physio? And how much pain is good pain?
So You’ve Decided to Become A Lockdown Runner? Stick To These 5 Coaching Tips
Authored by Rochelle Kennedy, Physiotherapist and Strength & Conditioning Consultant With gyms closed and only five reasons to leave home, lockdown has prompted many Melbournians to dust off their running shoes and go for their first jog in a long time. While running is excellent for both your physical and mental health, we have seen […]
Welcome Dr Richie Johnston
We’re thrilled to have Dr Richie Johnston joining our team on Monday 10th January. Richie is now available on Monday and Friday. Richie is a highly credentialed and experienced musculoskeletal manipulative physiotherapist with an extensive background in elite sports physiotherapy, performance and academic research. Outside of the practice, he fits in very well with Melbourne […]
Pain at the front of your knee? How to tell apart Runner’s knee and Jumper’s knee.
Our Senior Physiotherapist, Rochelle Kennedy, who also has a Masters in Strength and Conditioning, explains how your physio can tell the difference between these two common sources of knee pain, and what treatment options are available to get you back moving. Authored by Rochelle Kennedy, Physiotherapist and Strength & Conditioning With treatments and management strategies […]
The 3 Questions We Should Ask: Taking a Holistic, Biopsychosocial Approach to Physiotherapy
It’s a no-brainer that we always want to make decisions to better the patient, and the most important thing we can do is to treat the person, not the injury. Authored by Nick Cross, Managing Director and Senior Physiotherapist at Melbourne CBD Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine A patient’s problem will not simply be solved by […]
Use Your 2022 Extras
Does your private health fund cover extras like Physiotherapy, Myotherapy or Exercise Physiology? Most health funds have reset for 2022. Use your renewed Physiotherapy or Myotherapy and Exercise Physiology benefits to propel you through the year. What is my health fund annual limit? Your health fund annual limit is the total amount you can claim […]
Exercise Physiology and Group Exercise Classes have arrived
We’re here to help you to live a better life through movement. After all exercise is medicine right? That’s where Exercise Physiology comes in. Steph Tucker is a highly experienced Exercise Physiologist joining us on Monday, Thursday and Fridays. Join Steph for 1:1 consultations or progress to a social exercise class, all with individually tailored, […]